Bangkekane Mbembeng: The Traditional Indonesian Game that Keeps on Thriving

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Indonesia is a country rich in culture and tradition. From the food to the music to the games, every aspect of the Indonesian way of life is unique and fascinating. One such game that has been a part of Indonesian culture for centuries is Bangkekane Mbembeng.

What is Bangkekane Mbembeng?

Bangkekane Mbembeng is a traditional game that is played by children and adults alike. It is a game that requires skill, dexterity, and quick thinking. The game is played using small wooden sticks that are about the size of chopsticks. These sticks are held in the hand and thrown into the air, with the aim of catching as many sticks as possible before they hit the ground.

The History of Bangkekane Mbembeng

Bangkekane Mbembeng has been a part of Indonesian culture for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the island of Java, and has since spread to other parts of the country. The game was originally played using bamboo sticks, but over time, wooden sticks became more popular.

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How to Play Bangkekane Mbembeng

To play Bangkekane Mbembeng, you will need a set of wooden sticks. The sticks are usually made from a type of hardwood called kayu ulin. The sticks are about 15 centimeters long and are tapered at both ends.

The game is played by throwing the sticks into the air and catching them before they hit the ground. The number of sticks that are caught determines the score. The game can be played individually or in teams.

The Rules of Bangkekane Mbembeng

There are several rules that must be followed when playing Bangkekane Mbembeng. These include:

  • The sticks must be held in the hand and thrown into the air.
  • The sticks must be caught before they hit the ground.
  • The number of sticks caught determines the score.
  • If a stick is dropped or fails to be caught, the turn ends.
  • The game can be played individually or in teams.

The Benefits of Playing Bangkekane Mbembeng

Playing Bangkekane Mbembeng has many benefits. It is a great way to improve hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and quick thinking skills. It is also a fun way to socialize with friends and family. In addition, playing Bangkekane Mbembeng is a great way to stay active and get some exercise.

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The Future of Bangkekane Mbembeng

Despite the modernization of Indonesia, traditional games like Bangkekane Mbembeng continue to thrive. The game is still played by children and adults alike, and is often played during traditional festivals and events. In addition, there are efforts to preserve and promote traditional games like Bangkekane Mbembeng, so that future generations can appreciate and enjoy them.


Bangkekane Mbembeng is a traditional game that has been a part of Indonesian culture for centuries. It is a game that requires skill, dexterity, and quick thinking. Despite the modernization of Indonesia, traditional games like Bangkekane Mbembeng continue to thrive. Playing Bangkekane Mbembeng is a great way to improve hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and quick thinking skills, and is a fun way to socialize with friends and family.

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