2. Pitik Walik Saba Meja, Cangkriman Iki Batangane

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Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture and traditions. One of the traditions that are still being practiced until now is the game of Pitik Walik Saba Meja. This game is a traditional game that is usually played by children and teenagers in Indonesia. It is a simple game that requires only a few materials such as a stick or a bamboo and a ball made of rubber or plastic.

The Rules of Pitik Walik Saba Meja

The rules of Pitik Walik Saba Meja are quite simple. The players will have to sit around a table and take turns hitting the ball with the stick. The goal is to hit the ball so that it lands on the other side of the table without the other players being able to catch it. If the ball lands on the other side of the table and nobody catches it, the player who hit the ball gets a point.

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The game continues until one player reaches a certain number of points, usually 11 or 21. The winner is the player who reaches the target number of points first.

Cangkriman Iki Batangane

Cangkriman iki batangane is a phrase that is often used in Pitik Walik Saba Meja. It means “this is the stick”. The phrase is usually said when the player is about to hit the ball with the stick. It is a way to remind the other players that the stick is in use, and they should be careful not to get hit by it.

The Origin of Pitik Walik Saba Meja

The origin of Pitik Walik Saba Meja is not clear. It is believed that the game originated from Java, one of the islands in Indonesia. The game has been passed down from generation to generation and is still being played until now.

The Benefits of Playing Pitik Walik Saba Meja

Playing Pitik Walik Saba Meja has many benefits. It helps to improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and concentration. It also promotes teamwork and sportsmanship among the players. The game is also a fun way to spend time with friends and family.

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The Different Variations of Pitik Walik Saba Meja

There are many variations of Pitik Walik Saba Meja that are played in different parts of Indonesia. Some of the variations include:

  • Pitik Walik Kucing – a variation that is played using a cat-shaped ball
  • Pitik Walik Ayam – a variation that is played using a chicken-shaped ball
  • Pitik Walik Buah – a variation that is played using a fruit-shaped ball

Tips for Playing Pitik Walik Saba Meja

If you are new to Pitik Walik Saba Meja, here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Practice your hand-eye coordination by hitting the ball against a wall before playing with other players
  • Keep your eye on the ball at all times
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid hitting other players with the stick
  • Communicate with your teammates to improve your chances of winning


Pitik Walik Saba Meja is a traditional game that is still being played in Indonesia. It is a simple game that requires only a few materials and can be played by anyone. Playing Pitik Walik Saba Meja has many benefits, including improving hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and concentration. It is also a fun way to spend time with friends and family.

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